Mistress MatriXX

Artwork by Meagan Boyd

I think that the normalisation of domestic abuse and violence-against-women

Is all part of some nefarious war strategy 

Designed to overthrow the divine sacred Matriarchy

The missing ‘Twin of Creation’

The Divine Mother Creatrix of all procreation

Preventing any chance of a return

Despite a 6000 golden year reign of peace and prosperity

Art and culture, love and spirituality 

Under the gentle guidance of the aligned sacred feminine 

A higher vibrational offering, divinely guided cymatic principality

Prior to mutiny and overthrow by the patriarchy

Another conveniently concealed betrayal hidden from history

Along with parthenogenesis, the art of female self-replication

The once regular practice of immaculate conception

Bringing through a divine child, straight from Source

To become wise leaders who could stay on course

And inspire great devotion

But now are never able to return

Instead, bio-hacked at the sacrificial altar of the hybridised neo-human

All part of the WEF‘s AI humanoid cyborg vision

Tantamount to a ‘hostile corporate takeover’ of Her Holiness The Creatrix

Along with all of ‘us’, Her sovereign children

So now it’s time to address the imbalance and get on with the restoration 

Of the one vital ingredient that’s been missing all along

From this massive vat of cosmic plasma soup, ætheric glue, that we’re all swirling about in

Basically it’s a choice of either: forever-manipulating-outside-conditions

, OR: of gently going within, an inner-divining

Effortlessly gliding through the Law of Vibration

Aided by the divine sacred fin

Of empowered golden living

Via the self-activation

Of one’s pineal, moving away from a path of service-to-self, towards an effective inner-parenting

That is always compassionate and giving

Ascending through the portal of heart-supported choice

Maintaining habitual alignment, bolstered by devotion’s infinite patience

Continuously alerted to wisdom’s highest manifested potential 

A master template for the heavenly harmonious supernal

As a direct extension of love-made-visible

A natural homeostatic blueprint principal

Of divinely-guided expansion, aligned with benevolent purpose

So bring your best self to the table

Because life’s too short to waste time swimming around in concentric circles 

Let’s keep planting those seeds of consciousness 

Little psychic gifts from one’s parallel future selves

Remaining open to receiving serendipitous blessings and rewards

As these are all evidence of one’s spiritual relationship with Source 

For although fear is the absence of love, what is all encompassing can have no opposite force


✩ Kaleidoscope Memories – Published in The Pluralist / No Issue / Beyond Reason

One cannot help but bear-witness to pandemic storm-clouds-of-contagion, earthquake, volcano, fire, flood and landslide

Ubiquitously sweeping, shaking, erupting, raging, surging, far-and-wide

While many of the world’s leaders profess ‘geo-thermal-fracking-as-usual’ with heads buried-deep in dunes-of-denial

And so, in the face of multiple-global-crises, one is forced to shop elsewhere for spiritual gnoses and emotional renewal

Further afield than the aisles of neon-lit supermarket-dreams and dot-com same-day-deliveries

Further afield than high-brow department-store life-style fantasies

Laid out like scenes from the silver-screen in elaborate window-displays and glossy magazines

Further than the online prime-time trailer, box-set, binge-watch seduction

Plethora’s-of-perfectly-packaged-illusions to provide temporary-alleviation

From the overwhelming threat of global-annihilation

From sexist-racist, elitist-ageist denigration

Or from rust-riddled-regrets on constant-rotation

Mourning the ghosts of narrowly-missed, sugar-coated ships-of-desire that set-sail long-ago

Or impossible-to-forget childhood-traumas, bereavements, divorces, augmenting serial-self-love-deficit-disorders

Inescapable neuroses, seared into one’s psyche, branded like slaves-to-key-frame-memories

Leaving a trail-of-distorted, aborted-destinies behind in their wake

Yet another empty-void, full-of-emotional gaping-holes to fill as the planet is systematically plundered and destroyed

By the addictive machine-of-consumerism, where ecological-sustainability and wellbeing is wilfully-sacrificed

With nothing left, except the bitter-aftertaste of a forfeit-future…

This is how we welcome 130-million new-born ‘kidults’ into the world every-year, weaned upon html and social-media

Whose childhood-innocence and genetic-lineages were surgically-removed at birth

Stolen by neo-narcissists ‘neath smog-filled skies, where bright-futures turned grey

Dumbed-down by smart-technology and antidepressants

And yet, in-spite-of-all-this, some intrinsic built-in desire to seek-out and search for truth-and-authenticity, persists

Sends out its call like a beacon, calling upon every human-soul to awaken, to activate one’s innate inner-knowing, like a homing-device

Beckons to journey far-beyond the comfort and safety of objects, or co-dependent relationships

To look past the emotional barbed-wire snags-and-grazes of parental/ professional/ romantic/ societal lies and betrayal

Or the nettle’s-sting of missed-opportunity In lieu of moving-forwards, towards new desires-satisfied, and revised goals-fulfilled, collectively

For nothing stays-the-same and ‘change’ is always the one, true, ever-quickening-constant

Henceforth, it is in the ‘unspoken-moments’ where humanity happens

Where one quietly pieces-together water-colour-poems, sifted and fathomed from kaleidoscope-memories

Dreaming in silent smoky-swirls and mirror-gleam sunbeams

Peeling off rose-candy-coloured gels from the lids of one’s eyes

Like fleshy onion-skin layers of reflective-introspection

As one wakes from the lucid-dream-state with the revelatory-understanding

That in a vibrational-universe-of-Energy, every thought and feeling is eternal and therefore accountable

As non-physical energy can never die, nor expire, it can only change form

Transformed by an awareness of one’s perennial-vibrational-offering

Atonement through candour and a willingness to upgrade one’s most-frequent-point-of-focus

As an integral requisite of self-care, a daily-practice

By virtue of LOVE, whether for self, others, or Source Is still the purest-form-of-energy in the Multiverse. ✩

© i-P Ltd 2022

✩ Elixir of Love – published in five separate anthologies

Strawberry Heart

My fears are not that I may cease to be

Rooted, steadfast, embodied in a world of physicality

And without fears too, for the deserted drying

Of heartfelt words, or inspiration

Forever drawn to all my time spent, in dedication

For no greater pleasure do I feel, may’st I apply

Whilst chained, imprisoned, in this dimension

My only freedom, flight of soul, needs must express

Such a deep felt love, for all humanity

A curious quest, I cannot explain

Impression’d on high from an invisible plane

So sublime, that poetic craft

Is not required for meter, or to rhyme

Unless such craft imply, inject, ripened hearts

With the jewel of ‘inner meaning’

Inner truth infused with love

All pervading and genuine

Connecting precious principals beyond mere words

Which seek to make whole thus human kind

In complete align

So that intelligent insights into our complex universe

May penetrate not only the heart, but also the skin and the mind

Whereupon tinsel-gilded illusions

May fall away into nothingness

Instead replaced by a delicacy and a gentleness

A refinement of the senses

Through an indiscriminate understanding

That the elixir of love

Is wisdom plus integrity

And connects us all

To every single living being, or entity.

‘Elixir of Love’ (above) was written in response to the sonnet: ‘When I have Fears’ by John Keats. Keats sent his sonnet in a letter to his friend John Hamilton Reynolds in January 1818.

‘When I have fears that I may cease to be
Before my pen has glean’d my teeming brain,
Before high piled books, in charact’ry,
Hold like rich garners the full-ripen’d grain;
When I behold, upon the night’s starr’d face,
Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,
And think that I may never live to trace
Their shadows, with the magic hand of chance;
And when I feel, fair creature of an hour,
That I shall never look upon thee more,
Never have relish in the faery power
Of unreflecting love!—then on the shore
Of the wide world I stand alone, and think
Till Love and Fame to Nothingness do sink.’

Another Keats quote: ‘I am certain of nothing but of the holiness of the Heart’s affections and the truth of Imagination‘ that he wrote in a letter to his friend Bailey (Full letter here) had the same effect upon me and inspired Holiness of the Heart.

‘Elixir of Love’ has been published in the following anthologies:
Forward Poetry: Love is in the Air – Vol 1 (2015)
Poets for World Healing (2012)
Poets for World Peace (2012)
A Poetically Spoken Anthology (2011)
Reach Poetry (2010)

Currently available in the collection: Creatrix published by iPoem Press