Electro-Magnetic Love

Mass Formation Psychosis is a known method of population-control, used by governments world-wide, that literally traumatises its subjects into a state of hypnosis, keeping them in a perpetual state of fear, stress and anxiety, via habitual threats upon collective safety and well-being. The purpose of a negative ‘World News’ narrative, is to trigger a protracted state of hyper-vigilance, whereupon a person is literally waiting for the next disaster to strike and will virtually do anything that the government tells them to do, even if it goes against their moral and ethical compass.

Enduring a prolonged state of ‘fight, flight or freeze‘, causes adrenal burn-out, which in turn causes physical fatigue and mental resignation. Which, if in addition one throws-in some unresolved childhood trauma, a health crisis or two, a failed relationship, a bereavement, a house-move, with other business and financial worries, then a person is also simultaneously bombarded with unproductive thoughts and memories on constant rotation, either regurgitated from previous circumstances and situations, or generated by fears and anxieties for the future.

These all serve to re-activate powerful emotional charges, that can blind-side a person’s decision-making process, through the interference of unresolved fear / anxiety / rage / regret / guilt / loss / remorse / resentment / denial / revenge / grief / hurt / lack / greed / insecurity / etc., keeping these energetic vibrational frequencies ever-present, sometimes going around and round in circles for years, never moving forwards despite the best-of-intentions.

As a result many people are driven against-their-will, into re-enacting pre-programmed unconscious patterns of trauma. Patterns such as escapism and avoidance, or of over-achieving, competing-to-win, to-please, seeking endorsements of external validation and approval from outside sources, instead of generating one’s self-worth from within, through one’s inner-alignment with Source-Energy. Inevitably, self-doubt and seeking outer-validation, takes one out of the present moment, and also out of alignment with Source-Energy, which effectively shuts down the ‘God-gene’, inhibiting consciousness growth and halting forward-momentum.

Needless to say many people are stuck on ‘autopilot’, triggered by whatever narrative the elite-owned, fake-stream media, feeds them, consisting of multiple deceptions and psyops that trap people inside their own minds, through the use of impending doom, gradually leading the public (without their informed consent) towards a Transhumanist A.I. digital agenda, where everyone will be connected 24/7 to the internet-of-things and bodies, further imprisoning people within their own minds, through the use of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Holograms, Wi-fi, Bluetooth, Digital ID’s, implants, scans and social profiling, subverting healthy organic development.

(For further reading on Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and the Transhumanist Agenda please see links at the end).

These forms of mental self-imprisonment, are without walls, bars, locks, keys or jailers and is basically designed to prevent people from ever waking-up, or owning their God-given sovereign-identity, specifically by keeping people dumbed-down, ignorant, distracted, preoccupied, seduced and completely unaware that in truth; one is born into this world as an unlimited divine being, who is powerful beyond measure.

But if no one knows that they are magnificent powerful beings, how can we combat this? There are several methods that can assist stepping into and owning one’s divine inner-sovereignty, and by far the most effective is literally by reducing, or removing altogether, exposure to mainstream media, social media apps, and as many digital devices as possible, as not only do they serve as distractions but also as radiation transmitters. Distancing oneself from radiation bombardment, will enable one to focus in real-time upon aligning one’s inherent electromagnetic torus field, that serves as one’s energetic signature, in line with the energetic signature of Source-Energy. Source-Energy is always broadcasting on the energetic frequency of pure love, which is the purest form-of-energy in the Universe. Divine Intelligence, combined with Unconditional Love, is the true source of unlimited power in this world. All of Nature and the Natural World is already in alignment with Source-Energy.

But we humans seem to be suffering from a form of divine amnesia, finding ourselves stranded in some kind of simulated reality-game without a manual. Guidance therefore, can only come via one’s authentic alignment with Source-Energy, involving focus and commitment to removing old habits and distractions that keep us from better knowing and comprehending our true identities (as immortal spiritual beings on a never-ending journey of expansion), cultivating daily mindfulness, making time for meditation, exercise, reading, healthy eating and the minimisation of toxic substances, situations or people. All in the name of self-care and self-love.

Most people cannot conceive of life without their beloved smart phone, or laptop, as we seem to have become fully dependent upon our electronic gadgets for pretty much everything now. However, given the amount of into-the-red levels-of-radiation, that all of these devices emit; such as one’s WiFi, which is between 5180 MHz and 5825 MHz on the frequency spectrum, plus one’s fridge and smart meter, which are both at 2400 MHz on the frequency spectrum, and one’s smart phone, which is between 450 and 2700 MHz, not to mention computers, laptops, tablets and Plasma, LED, OLED Flat-screen TV’s, it makes sense to take some down time.

One’s mind and body will be very appreciative of any reduction in exposure to Electromagnetic Radio Frequencies, which penetrate the blood-brain barrier, preventing quality sleep, causing headaches, mood changes, memory loss, brain fog, chronic fatigue, dehydration, tinnitus, tumors, cancers and a multitude of other ailments. (This is without taking the effects of 5G towers into consideration). Not only will reducing exposure assist physical well-being and alleviate symptoms, it will also assist to fully liberate one’s mind from layers of inherited disinformation, conditioning, programming, brainwashing, a colossal dumbing-down that one has been subjected to since birth. Now it can be stripped back to reveal refreshingly new levels of critical thinking, open-mindedness and clarity.

In the light of daily-disclosures, we are fast learning that pretty much everything one has ever been taught, and led to believe has happened in the last two-thousand years, has been a concoction of myths, lies, fiction and elaborate illusions. A construct of The Maya, designed to deceive and manipulate us into believing that we are limited, insignificant and powerless. And so, while it is helpful to be able to stay abreast of all this new information, it is also helpful to draw a line as to just how much of it one consumes at a time, in order to stay mentally and emotionally strong, confidently navigating through these ‘portals of illusion‘, so that one can begin building completely new paradigms that are totally supportive, built upon the foundation stones of love, life and the natural order of the world.

When one is surrounded by illusions it helps to remember that only love is real and to keep bringing oneself back in line with the loving energy of the Source of all Creation. One can do this easily by checking-in regularly, with how one feels, paying attention to one’s heart center and also by consciously connecting with one’s right-hemisphere-of-the brain. The part that connects up one’s heart with the Universal collective heart, by engaging in creative and artistic activities / a regular practice of meditation / Tai Chi / Qi Gong, or anything that brings one into the present moment, allowing one to observe one’s breath. Observing the breath assists one to stay fully present, where it is easier to listen to the inner-whisperings of one’s heart. Always follow the heart for the Heart knows the way.

It is important to try to stay as fully-present in-the-moment as possible, to become as aware of one’s thoughts, beliefs, intentions, desires, strong emotions and feelings, as one can, for the simple reason that they are actual real things, which have powerful energetic-signatures, with outcomes attached. So be careful what one thinks. Become more mindful what thoughts one revisits and what feelings one indulges in. Do they serve one’s highest good? These thoughts and e-motions are choices that we can regain control over, so that we are no longer at the beck and call of social and political programming. Returning to ones inner-self is the first step towards cultivating a healthy sense of self-worth and self-love, (not narcissism) but an inner-acceptance of ‘who’ one is, just the way one is, warts-n-all, and an inner-forgiveness for what is, where one is, how things are, right here, right now. Often this requires tuning-out a tyrannical inner-critic, (that offers up a judgment 24/7), transforming one’s inner-voice into a kindlier, more supportive inner-best friend, that does not berate, belittle, criticise, or torment.

Love, whether for self, others, or creation, is an electromagnetic torus field of energy that extends beyond the body. A Torus field is the energy-source of all Creation. Everything but everything is energy, vibration and frequency, and once we inner-stand that everyone and everything are direct-extensions of this electromagnetic-field of Source-Energy – that we are literally carbon copies of God-Source-Energy – that we are direct-extensions of Unlimited Love – that this creative power is not outside of ourselves – that it is fully integrated into our being – that we are made from the same energetic-signature as our Creator – just like holographic chips-off-the-old-block – then all illusions simply fall away. And once one can begin to see through these illusions, they no longer hold any power over us.

We often hear that the real power is within but now we can truly embody what this means as each and everyone of us begins to tap into and access this infinite unlimited power that resides within our minds and hearts, via one’s alignment with the source-of-energy that created us in the first place. Maintenance of one’s alignment with the frequency of one’s electromagnetic-torus field, AND, with the energetic signature of Creation, creates a vibrational-match, enabling one to receive abundant serendipitous blessings and well-being, flowing straight from the universe into one’s life, without any effort, manipulation or control. These can show up as serendipitous and synchronistic coincidences, which is evidence of the Law of Attraction in motion.

This is why the elites want to shut you down, distract you, deceive you, because most people have no idea of just how powerful they really are. People believe that they are powerless to effect change, but in fact the complete opposite is true. And I believe that this realisation, that we are primarily electromagnetic beings of energy, frequency and vibration is at the heart of the great awakening that is occurring at this time. It is a natural inner-sensory union, between thought and feeling, mind and heart, knowing and being, that literally manifests as one’s outer reality. Knowing this is what sets one free.

One becomes so free in fact, that one is literally able to see the face-of-god in all beings, choosing to love one’s enemies, telepathically extending forgiveness and compassion to all those whose external behaviour, either appears evil, or overly personal-gain orientated, inner-standing this is simply a level of thinking and operating that emanates from an absence of awareness of Love’s Presence. Often, behaving badly stems from a deep-seated belief that one is unworthy of deserving the love, or the life style, most desired. Whereupon acquiring wealth, possessions, or power becomes a life’s mission to fill this inner-void. But because it is an inner-hunger, this void can never be satiated externally from without, it can only be nourished through one’s inner-connection with Source-Energy, maintained through the correct use of one’s mind, through love, gratitude and appreciation, enabling heart-supported choices that are mutually beneficent and kind.

Therefore, the greatest social, political and spiritual work, an individual may do for another human being, is to assist with the removal of the blocks to an awareness of Love’s Presence, arriving at the inner-standing that Love is a very real and tangible source of ‘energy, frequency and vibration’, that is available and accessible to ALL beings, 24/7. For even though the opposite of fear is LOVE, what is all-encompassing, can have no opposite. 💛
© i-P Ltd 2022

Further Reading:

Sustainable Development Report 2021: The Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals: PDF published by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, A Global Initiative for the United Nations. https://www.sdgindex.org/

Virtual rape and sexual abuse: The dangers of immersive technology (2020)

When virtual reality feels real, so does the sexual harassment (2018)

Enhanced Legality With Augmented and Virtual Reality (2017)

Beyond The Great Reset: The Transhumanist Agenda (PDF’s)
1 – UK Ministry of Defense — Human Augmentation (2021)
2 – IBM — Privacy and the Connected Mind (2021)
3 – XRA — Immersive Technology and Infrastructure (2021)
4 – Samsung — 6G: The Next Hyper-Connected Experience for All (2020)
5 – CSET — Mapping U.S. Multinationals’ Global AI R&D Activity (2020)
6 – RAND Corp. — The Internet of Bodies (2020)
7 RAND Corp. — Brain-Computer Interfaces (2020)
8 – NATO Cognitive Warfare (2020)
9 – The Royal Society — iHuman (2019)
10 – Policy Horizons Canada — Exploring Biodigital Convergence (2019)

Choose LOVE!


Choose LOVE ❤ Embody PEACE ❤ Extend FORGIVENESS ❤

© Cat Catalyst 2022

✩ Cat Catalyst Interview – Tuck Magazine

Link to interview in Tuck Magazine 

Cat Catalyst

June feature interview with Cat catalyst Poet, Artist and Peace Activist

Tuck Magazine: Many of your poems are infused with matters relating to the human spirit and the state of humanity. Do you consider your spirituality to be your primary muse?

Cat Catalyst: Poetry and Art for me is a spiritual practice and a social responsibility.

‘The good artist is wise,
God is in his heart.
He puts divinity into things.’
– (Mayan Saying).

To me this means that the poet has the ability to communicate deep and meaningful truths in a simple uncomplicated way that the general public at large can understand. The poet synthesises and translates strong emotions with lofty ideals. It is a language of the heart that speaks to the soul.

My primary muse, as is traditional with many poets or song-writers through the ages, is ‘Love’. Or in my case spiritual and emotional evolution, as a way of aiding the next step in humanity’s awakening, working through the lower emotions in order to open to ‘Loving Kindness’ as a way of life, a philosophy of life, enabling man and woman kind to work together as co-curators of Planet Earth. Loving and caring for Planet Earth as an extension of ones own self-love and self-care in the same way we are urged to ‘Love one another as thyself.’

The problem is that no body loves or accepts themselves in this day and age as everyone is so separate and disconnected from them selves, from each other, from the natural world and from spirituality, and so therefore what most people are projecting is ones own self-loathing, denial, and insecurity. An absence of self-care.

Love has to come from within, otherwise its needy, competitive, controlling and co-dependant. And self-love is not to be confused with a narcissistic self-absorbed obsession, no, activating the heart-center is all to do with being able to accept the Self as it is, right here, right now, with all ones imperfections and flaws, guilt and shame, (as well as ones strengths shining brightly), as a simple honest acceptance of what is, and therefore cultivate an ability to accept others, just as they are, with all their imperfections (and also their strengths), for in the evolution of the soul there is no hierarchy.

Carl Jung says: “The best political, social and spiritual work we can do, is to withdraw the projection of our shadow onto others

This is about training the mind to stay in the present moment, to drop all judgments, let go of attachments to desired outcomes, to honour the innocence of the body, (and the innocence of all living beings and creatures), to see through the charade of separation, to see through the illusion of materialism and personal gain, and become Conscious. For everyone and everything has a right to be here. (Although Love also requires firm boundaries, it does not mean subjugating oneself in the process).


When interviewed by Lily Cole, British sculptor Anthony Gormley postulated that if we carry on as we are, the Human race faces extinction within the next 300 years and I tend to agree with him on this. I would even go as far as to say it will take much less time than that, for once the delicate balance of the eco system becomes unstable, plundered by Capitalism, pollution and war, the process will rapidly escalate. Much of our prosperity and peace is dependant upon climatic stability.

If Planet Earth, and the survival of all Her creatures and beings are to have even a chance of a future as Nature intended, then we have to work together as a whole planet, a whole Earth, and a whole community, with no divisions, for there is no where else in this solar system to go, we have to learn to take care of our only home, to stop crapping on our own door step, to learn gratitude, humility, compassion, non-personal love, and work together in order to move forwards. At the end of the day, it’s everyone or no-one.

Training the mind begins with the breath. The breath connects the ever-present internal dialogue of the mind with the innocence of the body. It allows for space, calm and observation away from the incessant inner chatter. If one feels like saying something in response to a thought just take a breath instead. If ones mind offers up a judgement, just take another breath. The over rationalising neurotic logic of the ego will begin to dissipate and this in turn will lessen the pressure on the emotions to react. (I call it the push-button effect). A mind that is not trained can really torture and torment a person by turning ones inner dialogue into a habitual inner tyrant. How one treats ones inner self is how one treats another. The trick in this instance is to turn ones inner tyrant into ones inner best friend.

Meditation is a wonderful tool for calming the mind and the emotions, and is something that I think should be taught in all schools everywhere as a necessary survival technique. It can help kids into adulthood to cope with over exposure to the media, from being seduced by the advertising aesthetic, brain washed by TV crime and Hollywood, social networking addictions, combat computer games, peer pressure, gangs, bullies, etc, especially at such early ages.

Kids become a commercial target audience as soon as they leave the womb. Rapid advances in technology have produced a new generation of ‘kidults’ equipped with smart phones and laptops who seem to have skipped their childhood. Today much of a young persons dialogue is through an electronic device and not necessarily face to face. Yet it is through innocence that an individual learns valuable interactive social skills through the act of play. Meditation can also assist with being able to ‘turn the other cheek’, to not take the ‘bait’, to rise above the ‘limitations of others’ and to stay ‘true’ to oneself.

It all begins with self-love: Love is a Four Letter Word (2013)

When one has self-worth one doesn’t need approval from other people to be ones self, one isn’t dependent upon the appreciation of another, a partner, a spouse, a lover, for validation in order to feel worthy. One is empowered to help others as one would help oneself, to treat others as one would expect to be treated oneself without necessarily expecting anything in return. The vision is for a nation of empowered individuals interacting with other empowered individuals, rather than a nation of neurotic walking wounded behaving erratically, trying to exploit one another out of self-interest.


Tuck Magazine: There is also an activist bent to your poetry that tackles many societal issues we currently face as a species.  Do you think a poet has a social responsibility to impart information about their journey through this life as a way of holding up a mirror to the reader?

Cat Catalyst: Yes I believe that the ‘real’ poet, or the ‘real’ artist, those who are motivated by an invisible driving force from within, driven to honour an inner calling, yes, those are the ones whom have a social responsibility to communicate personal insights and truths, although not necessarily as a mirror, for everyone is unique, but perhaps as a sign post, an alternative way of thinking, a seed of suggestion, something which provokes a new thought process, creates new neurological pathways in the brain.

Also identification and catharsis can be very healing, through the sharing of human experience, for one can feel less alone or isolated by ones problems, and perhaps instead of seeing something as a problem, one is able to see certain challenges as a growth opportunity, for it is often only by undergoing a passage to the dark side that one can uncover ones inner pearls of wisdom.

The artist or poet’s process of self-introspection can lead to personal revelation. It is these personal revelations that I wish to share in the pursuit of aiding not only my own spiritual growth but also to be of assistance to other ‘Catalysts’ out there, other agents of beneficial social change and transformation, through the planting of seeds of inspiration and perhaps paving the way forwards.

Actually that’s about the most one can do for another human being. The only person one can change is oneself. The best one can do for another is to plant a few healthy seeds of inspiration, in the hope that at a later date when the timing is right they may germinate, blossom and flower.

And like a farmer tending his crops through the cycle of the seasons, so must ones seeds be watered and tended, through the speaking of ones truth, the walking ones of talk, and leading by example, consistently over time.

Tuck Magazine: In addition to being a poet you are also a painter. Have you ever incorporated your poetry into any of your paintings or vice versa and if so, is the finished product the complete work or can each stand alone as separate entities.

Cat Catalyst: Yes, although mostly I only incorporate text or audio with my digital art. Yes they can stand alone individually too, for example my poetry film ‘Swim’ was screened at the Tate Britain as a poetry film, but it was originally created as a combined backing track and visual projection to perform vocals over the top. The idea was to wear white so that I would blend into the projection and appear to be swimming in the water, however, I have yet to find a compatible venue to test out my creative vision for this poetry performance and so in the mean time it was picked up as an independent film. I would still like to test out my idea one day to see if it actually works.

Tuck Magazine: There are two schools of thought regarding the composition of a poem. Some poets claim that too much editing destroys the soul of a piece while others swear that to labour over a poem, sometimes for days or weeks perfects and polishes it. What is your process for revising your poetry and have you ever written a poem that had no need for revision?

Cat Catalyst: For me each poem is a unique and individual entity and so its birthing process is also individual. There are some poems that come through perfectly intact requiring absolutely no editing at all; ‘Inversion’ was one such piece, although it largely depends upon how transient or complex a feeling or an idea is that I am working on. Bringing through ethereal or emotional concepts that have no words and exist only as feelings can take time to articulate in ones mind before committing to paper. An idea takes work to bring into form, it’s a bit like creating a sculpture:

“…Like a sculptor chipping away at an idea

Until it says exactly what one wants it to say

Like a slab of marble that invites one to discover the hidden form within

To articulate a complex thought or a feeling

And as you chip away, something lovely emerges

A prize of hindsight is revealed

A hidden pearl of wisdom unveiled

Some little nugget of truth uncovered

The golden conduit of the muse…”

Excerpt from: ‘Why I Write’ (2012)

The body of a poem will largely arrive with its own structure. I see that like the trunk of the tree and then the minor tweaks and edits are like the branches of the tree, fleshing out the boughs with leaves, and blossom and fruit. Usually a blog post will require two to three days of constant re-reading with some minor tweaking and attention to flow and punctuation, before it feels right.

“I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again.” – Oscar Wilde

The act of posting a blog, or a poem, online has the effect of objectifying a piece for me and therefore I am able to distance myself without becoming overly attached to it. I try to stay as close to the source of the muse as possible without allowing myself to become overly distracted from the original intent. I think it is important to keep a check on the ego for the desire to impress can totally ruin a poem and turn it into a complete pile a drivel.

Cats Baker St Tube Poster

Tuck Magazine: Have you ever gone through a period like many poets where you were blocked and felt unable to produce? What ultimately reignited the passion for words?

Cat Catalyst: No not really, at least not yet anyway, for me it’s more about not losing the order of the words as and when they appear in my mind and capturing them in time before the arrangement is gone for good.

Sometimes the ideas are relentless as more often than not they come in the middle of the night and keep me awake into the small hours as I diligently try to commit them to paper or copy paste into a word doc, in an effort to keep up with the express train of thoughts as they race through my mind.

I don’t know why but it always feels like there is an important urgency to it, especially as it can happen so fast. If you are not prepared you can completely miss the whole thing and still be left dithering looking for a pen that works, or a pencil that isn’t blunt or a back of an old envelope to write on.

I used to pull all-nighters regularly and work right though until 8 or 9am in the morning, sometimes never going to bed and working through to the next day, but as I get older I get too tired to keep up with the voice of the muse in my head and so I just say: OK if I’ve had that idea once before then chances are it will come back around again, although sometimes the poignancy is not quite the same the second time around.

I never try to force the words. The words come when I feel I have something particular that I want to say, a feeling to unravel or a concept to articulate. If I don’t have anything to say I don’t write anything. I never know when the next time will be when I am called upon to write but I am quite opinionated so life is always striking a chord or moving me in some way, so I know it is only a matter of time before I shall be required to play the role of the faithful servant to the muse once again.

It’s a magical alchemical process that is completely timeless, of which I shall always be in awe. I have no idea why the muse chose me, especially as I have never been able to spell particularly well, although I have a theory that perhaps it is to do with retaining a sense of humility and honesty. I regard myself as a custodian of the ideas that are bestowed upon me and I am the conduit by which they are able to become manifest. I feel it is my duty to stay as true to the muse as possible.

I Am Joy Fest 2010

Tuck Magazine: How do you prefer to write, with pen and paper or computer?

Cat Catalyst: It’s a combination of both. Usually when the idea is stirring within I need to capture it as fast as possible before it’s gone and so I shall use whatever is closest to hand. Now I always carry a little notebook just in case as it is the worst feeling to be having an inspired moment without a pen or paper to hand to write it down, even a paper napkin or an old train ticket is better than nothing.

The iPhone notes app is OK but too fiddly to cope with the rushing onslaught of inspiration when it comes. For those initial stirrings you just can’t beat a good old-fashioned pen and paper to get it down. So the bare bones of an idea usually begins its life on paper and then later I will transfer it to the computer to edit.

When I didn’t have many blog followers I would just transfer the ‘bare bones’ straight into a blog editor online and then keep publishing and editing directly in the blog editor until it said exactly what I wanted it to say, but I cant really do that anymore for as soon as I post a blog now two thousand and something followers will automatically receive a copy of the first draft in an email notification as soon as I click ‘Update’, and so it if its something that is not yet fully formed, or I am not yet happy with, then my subscribers will not see my work at its best and it is unlikely that they will know to keep checking back to view subsequently revised versions.

Now I try to work as much of it as I can in a word doc before transferring to the blog, but inevitably there are still a few tweaks once it is up. I don’t think I can actually avoid that. The online tweaking process usually lasts for one or two, maybe three days max after it has been posted, although in a few rare cases it has taken as much as week before I was completely satisfied.

When I worked in IT I learned that the attention span of ones online audience is just two clicks and then they are gone, which is unfortunate for me, as its not until I actually see my work on the computer screen and I know its live that I can really get into the meat and flesh of it. Somehow it initiates a process that once started I cant stop until its finished. That’s the alchemical and timeless part of the process I mentioned earlier. For I seem to remain in one long continuous never-ending present moment for however long the writing and editing process takes, even if it takes three days it still feels like ten minutes to me.

Catalyst 5, The Kirk, Sydney, 1997

Tuck Magazine: All indie writers are innovative and I suppose part of the motivation is to stand out from the crowd. You are very adept at social media and have taken healthy advantage of the various ways to market your art and for many emerging writers the vast internet terrain is daunting. What have you found to be most challenging aspect of getting your poetry out there and do you have any advice for those who are new and trying to attract readers?

Cat Catalyst: I left a career as an IT contractor to focus on my art and poetry and so I was well equipped with a broad understanding of multi-media, web design and the usefulness of the internet, so for me it was a fairly natural process to utilise my IT skills as I would any other skill in the creative process. It is fortunate as I haven’t needed to employ anyone else to do it for me and so I haven’t lost anything in the translation as I have had complete creative control of how my work is presented.

I would say anyone in the arts and humanities pretty much needs to have a web page or an online profile of some sort these days to represent them selves in the virtual world, as it acts like a digital business card. Writers should definitely keep a blog and have some sort of cross feed to notify their readers of new posts.

For me the Internet is a way of making my ideas accessible. Unlike most other authors I am not precious about my ideas as I have so many of them and they all feed into each other. I need to get them out pretty much as soon as possible in order to make room for new ones otherwise they are backing up like crazy causing a massive bottle neck in the creative process.

Cat Catalyst at the 'I Am Joy' Festival, Chichester, 2008

Tuck Magazine: I found what you are doing on SoundCoud to be uplifting and socially conscious in a beautiful and artistic way. You are donating a significant portion of the money earned through the sale of your spoken word tracks. Do you feel part of the answer to many social ills could be found if there was more work being done between those within the arts community and social causes or does this risk polluting the free thinking of art with political bias?

Cat Catalyst: No I don’t think it pollutes the world of free thinking art with a political bias, because there are so many deserving causes out there that require our attention, such as homelessness, deforestation, the protection of children, animal rescue, refugee displacement, family mediation, women’s refuge, etc., and I think that if by association my work can raise awareness to any one of the underlying reasons for why they have become a problem in our society then it can only be a good thing. Addressing the causes rather than the symptoms equals prevention rather than cure. Although I feel any sort of awareness is better than no awareness.

Also, when I used to organise ‘Catalyst’ events they would usually be fund-raisers for various causes or charities or had various themes like the use of ‘recycled materials’ in the exhibits, or ‘Unity in the Community’, bringing groups of people together in urban environments. I have never really been motivated by personal gain, money was never my primary concern, call me a dreamer but for me ‘Love’ is by far more valuable, and by far the most important quality to embody, embrace and understand more deeply. Actually it’s the only key to personal freedom in a society where the minority inhibits, limits and controls the majority.

In the English language there is only one word for ‘Love’ when in fact love has many different faces and forms. In India there are seven different words to describe Love and still that is not descriptive enough. I think perhaps that only having one word in the English language for Love gives the illusion that perhaps it is simple or easy, or that perhaps it is ‘old hat’ or ‘hippy dippy’, when in fact it is one of the most evolved and elevated concepts of behaviour that one can embody in waking Life. And once this concept is embraced and understood, it then becomes the road less traveled and one of the most challenging paths in life to walk, for keeping the heart open in the face of adversity is one of the hardest challenges to champion and overcome.

“For to evolve through Love,

Is the greatest spiritual teaching on Earth,

From personal, through transpersonal,

To unconditional and Universal,

A conscious choice everyday,

There really is only ‘One’ way forwards,

Everything else,

Is resistance.’

Excerpt from: Holiness of the Heart (2010) 

HoH Festival, Kent, 2010

✩ Love Is


Love is the energy

That holds everything together

The glue of the Universe

By loving ourselves

We may learn to recognise

The divinity in all things

In all beings

All creatures

And all plant life

For we are all divine expressions of The Source

We ARE The Source

We already have the power

To transmute all negative energy into positive

All war into peace

All hate into love


By recognising

The divinity within Ourselves

For we are all divine expressions of The Source

We are ONE

Although individuals

We are from the same source of creation

Infinite beings

Squashed into tiny little bodies

Incarnated onto Earth

So that the source may KNOW itself

Know itself, by loving itself

Love is letting go of fear

Love is non-attached giving

Love is freedom

It does not mean being in a ‘relationship

It means: ‘The Source, loving itself

Through infinite manifestations of itself’

Love is life

Love IS!

Published in Creatrix by iPoem Press


✩ Angels on Earth

I recognise you

But you don’t recognise me

I knew you before

When love and light

Was all around

Before we were born

This time

I recognise you

Why don’t you recognise me?

You don’t remember

The abundance of love

We once shared unconditionally

So strong we felt whole

Strong enough to choose

To be, here, now

Sharing our gift of love

With all humanity

But you don’t recognise me

Our strength a distant memory

A fading dream

When will you wake?

And see ‘The Dream’ is real?

Maybe not, in this lifetime, I feel

But, I can wait

For remembering WHY?

We are here

Is not easy

The path of evolution

Not always fair

If, when, we meet again

Of this world or the next

I pray that I can recognise you

I pray my heart may be open

To receive your love

Mine eyes able to see

The light of your soul

And so until that day my love


Until the next dimension…


Published in Creatrix by iPoem Press
Now read this :: https://ipoem.co.uk/2013/02/21/rubber-sole/
Similar to Angels on Earth :: Love IS | Elixir of Love | Holiness of the Heart