Creatrix – Paperback

CREATRIX – is Cat Catalyst’s first collection of literary art which documents a 30-year career as a visual artist, event curator, poet and spiritual mentor. This is the final iteration of this particular body of work and marks the completion of a cycle. Published by iPoem Press. Available in paperback from Waterstones / Barnes and Nobel / Blackwells / Abe / Walmart / Amazon / iPoem Press / and most good book sellers.

I often refer to this body of work during its various stages of development as ‘the never-ending book‘ as the work begins in 1988 and unfolds sequentially until 2021, having undergone several different iterations, which are always evolving. It’s a living work populated with former ‘Catalyst’ event fliers from the 90’s, art projects and exhibition installations, providing context to a collection of didactic, noetic, esoteric and syncretic poetics. Creatrix is designed to be read sequentially, like a normal book, in order to obtain the overview of three decades of original thought.